Quarter 1 Report Cards

For the 2018-2019 school year, we will not be sending home paper copies of student report cards. On Friday, October 19, all parents in kindergarten through 8th grades will receive an individualized email from Mrs. Wilson in the office for each of your students. The...

Operation Christmas Child Service Project

We have kicked off our second quarter service project! We will be packing and collecting shoebox gifts for Operation Christmas Child! Your child should have received a brochure with instructions and details for how to pack a shoebox gift. The deadline to turn in these...

Scholastic Book Fair, October 15-19

Monday – Thursday | 8 a.m. – 4 p.m.Friday | 8 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. and 6-9 p.m. during Fall Family FellowshipStudents will be allowed to look and purchase during their normal weekly library time. They may also come and shop during free time, at...

Fall Family Fellowship, October 19

Join us for a night of fun for the whole family! Silent auction baskets, photo booth, Scholastic Book Fair, a dunking booth with our teachers and much more! Click here for complete details! Please make sure that reservation forms and payments are turned in by October...

Red Cross Blood Drive, November 6

Christian Academy of Louisville – English Station Campus Gym700 S. English Station Road | Louisville KY 402457 a.m. – 5 p.m.OPEN to the Public (Must be 16 to Donate with Parental Consent) Questions? If you have questions about the blood drive or would...