Quarter 2 Service Project – Operation Christmas Child

Quarter 2 Service Project – Operation Christmas Child

We’ve kicked off our Quarter 2 service project today and we will be bringing in shoebox gifts for Operation Christmas Child! Students will be bringing home a shoebox today that includes directions for packing. All shoebox gifts need to be returned on Thursday,...

Join Us for a Family Hangout, October 22!

Junior Academy – 8th grade families, join us for food, games and fellowship in the school parking lot on Friday, October 22, from 5-7:30 p.m.! Six Forks Burger & Co. Food Truck will be on site. They serve a variety of burgers ranging from $10-$12. All...

Senior Carnival Date Change to Monday, October 18

Due to the worsening weather forecast for Friday, October 15, we are rescheduling Carnival for Monday, October 18! Why is this our decision?  The CAL principals had already decided they did not feel comfortable this year with our previous Carnival “weather...

Ms. Gilligan is ALL IN!

Thank you for all you do for our school. As you have heard many times, the cost of tuition and fees simply does NOT cover the entire cost to educate our students. That is why we have an annual campaign called our ALL IN! campaign. We are asking you to help us raise...

Middle School Volleyball Team Wins the Whitefield Tournament!

Our varsity team got runner-up in our overall league with one loss. They won the Championship in the Whitefield tournament and played three games to secure the championship against Highlands Latin, Walden and Whitefield, 25-24 and 21-16. Varsity ended the season with...