On Thursday, senior Zach Page, signed a letter of intent to play football at Greenville College in Greenville, Illinois.

“I chose Greenville because I felt like it was a place where I could further my football career as well as my faith,” said Page. “I love their work ethic and dedication as a team and I feel that I will be a part of a very successful football program.”

Zach was named All District team his senior year and also threw shot put for the Centurion Track & Field team.

“Zach is a big part of our team. I am so excited that he can fulfill his dream of playing football in college,” said CAL track & field coach, Mike Hatfield.

CAL head football coach, Stefan LeFors thanked Zach’s parents, for their support and Zach for his consistent dedication and positivity. “I am so proud of what Zach has accomplished these last three years. Defensive tackle is a tough position to play and our entire team saw the value that he brought to our team.”

Zach’s dad, Andrew Page, complimented his son on his willingness to do whatever was asked of him. Zach’s mother, Tamara, said she was thankful for what football has done for Zach. “I still really don’t fully understand the game of football, but I understand the brotherhood it creates and how it has impacted Zach’s life. We are so thankful for how football has blessed Zach.”

Page concluded the signing ceremony by thanking his teammates, coaches, and friends for their support. He looks forward to playing for the Greenville Panthers next fall and plans to major in Criminal Justice.