CAI Elementary Winter Basketball and Cheer!

We are pleased to announce we are going to open a new program for CAI Athletics by offering an Elementary Intramural Basketball program this winter. Please click here to view more information. The registration deadline is January 17, and we will need parent volunteer...
Christian Academy on WAVE3’s Sounds of the Season

Christian Academy on WAVE3’s Sounds of the Season

Christian Academy music groups from Rock Creek (5th Grade Ensemble), English Station (Performing Arts Club and Signing Club) and Indiana (Elementary Chime Choir and High School Choirs and Chamber Singers) will be included in WAVE3's Sounds of the Season...

Centurion Armory Open this Saturday!

The Centurion Armory will be open this Saturday, December 14, 2019 from 9:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. Stop in and take advantage of the Holiday Sale! Click here for details. The Centurion Armory has a great selection of CAL spirit wear.