The Event, August 4, for High School/Middle School Families

Teacher Meet and Greet, TONIGHT, August 4, 5-6 p.m. This is a chance for you to come in and meet your child’s teachers and hear about classes and the content that will be covered this coming year. We will have your child’s schedule available for you this evening in the high school/middle school office area. This is not a time to meet about your child’s specific progress, but to get an overview of the class.

The EVENT  Join us TONIGHT, August 4, from 6-8 p.m. for a high school/middle school family cookout and exciting competitions for the students! Tickets are available for this back-to-school EVENT from any senior. The price is $9 at the door and includes a hamburger or hot dog, chips and drink. There will also be a bake sale to purchase additional items. The EVENT is sponsored by the seniors and all proceeds will go toward their Senior Trip.